Crossy Chicken

Crossy Chicken is a test of your reaction. You initially control a bird that needs to cross the road. But there are quite a few obstacles in its way.

It is necessary for you to help with such a difficult task. If you fail, you will be flattened and have to start over. Later, you are going to be really good because this needs good concentration.

First, you need to cross the streets where the cars go pretty fast. Secondly, to get over the rivers, jumping them over logs that float. Thus, it is necessary for you to make your way farther and also earn coins. While on the subject, they are scattered around the location.

Furthermore, with the money you earn, the functionality allows you to purchase new skins. Therefore, you can already start to control an elephant, a chicken, a panda or even a pig. It does not affect the process in any way, but it looks pretty cute and even funny.